University of Manitoba

Yoga kills

When I was deciding on what class to take this term with Bison Recreational Services I was presented with several options. The first was tae…

Still swing dancing on campus

Swing dancing began with the Charleston in the 1920s in Afro-American communities. It was a venue to free your mind from the troubles of the…

Undermining the real lessons

Right now, most U of M students aren’t too concerned with exams. Having just returned from winter break, for most of us the next major…

Monotonix Madness

Monotonix are best known for their epic performances. Crowd-surfing while playing guitar or even drums, jumping off and around the stage, stealing audience members’ drinks…

Privacy vs safety

Exhibitionists might just decide to fly more often, following an announcement by the federal government on Jan. 5, 2010, that, in order to increase security…

Just Doupe it

In January, this month of new goals and resolutions to get healthier in the winter months, some of you may be contemplating your gym passes….