University of Manitoba

Internet goes down on campus

Several students and staff experienced problems with the Internet at the University of Manitoba over the past week. This caused serious difficulties for students and…

UMSU votes to makeover awards roster

The campus isn’t the only thing receiving a radical makeover. The University of Manitoba Students’ Union awards are undergoing major changes, with a proposed increase…

Degrees renovations fall behind

Students will have to wait a bit longer to get their green curry and yam fries as renovations to Degrees face unexpected complications. University of…

Student Loans max out this year

Although the federal student loan program recently maxed out at $15 billion, forcing Ottawa to come up with last-minute additional funds, Manitoba students are expected…

Wiseguys closes its doors for good

The campus watering hole, Wiseguys, is no more, leaving many students without their favorite hangout. Wiseguys was closed after the holders of the lounge’s liquor…