Where do those student fees go?

With UMSU about to experience a changeover of executives following the recent election, the current executives are busy drafting the budget for 2011-12. UMSU vice-president…

GSA election candidate interviews

GSA presidential candidate Presidential Candidate: Peter Nawrot Experience Senator in Social Work Students’ Association (two years) GSA vice-president (academic) (two years) Why did you decide…

GSA election candidate interviews

GSA senate candidates senate candidate: Olivier Gagne Experience Vice-president of departmental students’ association Vice-president of U of M tennis club GSA councillor GSA senator since…

UMSU elections?

University of Manitoba Students’ Union elections are once again upon us, and once again I find myself saying, “It’s election week?” Like a lot of…

Senate highlights

A Senate meeting was held on March 2 in the Senate chambers. Richard Sigurdson, dean of the faculty of arts, chaired the meeting in place…