U-Pass: Info on the upcoming vote
As your students’ union, our primary goal and objective for the fall 2012 Referendum is to ensure that our members are informed on the question…
As your students’ union, our primary goal and objective for the fall 2012 Referendum is to ensure that our members are informed on the question…
Why I think it’s a bad deal for students
UMSU behind the times on U-Pass issue
UMSU holds referendum for U-Pass University of Manitoba Student Union (UMSU) is holding a referendum vote for all U of M undergraduate students in regards…
In a move to ease traffic congestion on campus and promote sustainable transportation, the University of Manitoba’s parking services has introduced parking spaces designated specifically…
How you can help.
The University of Manitoba Students’ Union (UMSU) hosted an open forum on food services and meal plans on Oct. 4 at the Fort Garry campus,…
A call for campus blood donations on Sept. 24 reopened the debate on the Canadian Blood Services (CBS) long-standing donation ban from men who have…
UMSU president Bilan Arte said that students often ask her what the role of a students’ union actually is. According to Arte, “a students’ union…
On Friday night UMSU hosted their largest orientation event of the year at the Max Bell Field House. While it was impressive that UMSU was…