UMSU election

Leave the tweets out of it

Shortly after Christopher Bélanger confirmed his candidacy for the position of vice-president internal of the University of Manitoba Students’ Union (UMSU), a set of screenshots…

Profile of Clear Slate candidates

Here are the self-submitted profiles of the UMSU General Election executive candidates for Clear Slate. Name: Spencer Yasui Position: President Studies: Fourth year, psychology Why…

New rules for UMSU elections

The 2015 General Election of the University of Manitoba Students’ Union will be the first to feature new rules related to election penalties after UMSU…


Two candidates from each executive slate in the UMSU General Election sat down with the Manitoban after the first week of campaigning to answer questions…

Clear Slate

Two candidates from each slate for the executive in the UMSU General Election sat down with the Manitoban after the first week of campaigning to…

Online voting off the table this year

University of Manitoba students will be voting using paper ballots again during this week’s University of Manitoba Students’ Union (UMSU) General Election after the union…

Your UMSU and Clear Slate face off

The candidates have been finalized, and campaigning has officially commenced, for the 2015 UMSU General Election. The deadline for candidates’ nominations applications passed on Friday,…