UMGSA disqualifies candidate, removes CRO from position

In two reports released by the University of Manitoba Graduate Students’ Association’s (UMGSA) elections committee Monday, the committee announced it had disqualified a candidate who tied for an executive position, approved an appeal made by the current UMGSA president and removed the CRO from his position.

Controversial UMGSA election unratified

A controversial University of Manitoba Graduate Students’ Association (UMGSA) 2019 executive election is headed to a run-off vote after two candidates for vice-president services and support (VPSS) finished in a dead tie and a handful of appeals — including one each against the CRO and uncontested returning president Carl Neumann — have been filed. 

UMGSA candidates talk priorities

Candidates hoping for a seat on the U of M graduate students’ association (UMGSA) council took questions and discussed priorities at the UMGSA general election forum on Tuesday.