social issues

Being alone

This was originally going to be a very negative article about the students camping outside of University Centre for 5 Days for the Homeless. I…

Leave the tweets out of it

Shortly after Christopher Bélanger confirmed his candidacy for the position of vice-president internal of the University of Manitoba Students’ Union (UMSU), a set of screenshots…

Re: Je ne suis pas Charlie

Letters published in the Manitoban are edited for spelling, grammar, and punctuation. Views expressed in the letters are those of the author and do not…

Charity on campus

The university is a hive of activity, and students and staff at the University of Manitoba seem particularly generous in their time and finances. Amongst…

In the absence of body checking

When Canadians watch hockey today, we are watching men. Riddled with patriarchal language, hockey—and ringette— was created with men in mind. This is evidenced by the names of penalties such as “too many men,” and terms such as “defencemen.” But where are all the women?

Clash of civilizations?

It is worth appreciating the immense outcry that has flooded the pages of broadsheets in the days following the senseless slaughter of satirists. A series…