Messages of Pride

While the Pride Parade is a memory from another season, many of the sentiments collected from that day have found a new form. The multi-panel art…


Winnipeg’s LGBTTQ* film festival, the largest of its kind between Toronto and Vancouver, is run entirely by volunteers. Additional support from the people of Manitoba…

Bloody hypocrisy

Bradly Wohlgemuth, staff “Blood. It’s in you to give.” Apparently it’s not inside everybody for giving – for example, someone like me, a bisexual male….

Saying “no” to Russian vodka

In June this year, Russian President Vladimir Putin signed a constitutional law banning “propaganda of nontraditional sexual relations,” and laying fines on those demonstrating at…

Letting history decide

William F. Buckley Jr. once said, “A Conservative is a fellow who is standing athwart history yelling ‘Stop!’” Allow me to elaborate. In 1850, a…