Letters to the Editor – Nov. 3, 2010
RE: Those damned election signs (Oct. 20, 2010) I couldn’t agree more that those dreaded election signs are nothing if not impolite and ugly to…
RE: Those damned election signs (Oct. 20, 2010) I couldn’t agree more that those dreaded election signs are nothing if not impolite and ugly to…
RE: In search of an ideal study spot (Sept. 28, 2010) Thank you for the excellent article on study space in Dafoe Library by Erin…
RE: GUNS, GUNS, GUNS (SEPT. 29, 2010 ISSUE) Why are Manitoba Conservative MPs so proud of their political grandstanding over the gun registry? The prime…
In the last issue of the Manitoban, two letters to the editor appeared which contained false and defamatory statements against me. For space considerations, I…
A close look at the Engineering Society’s Red Loin Publication Sex, fun, entertainment or offensive information – just what is in the Engineering Society’s Red…
YOU STINK AND I’M GETTING SICK It just happened again. My attempt at being a good and successful student is being thwarted by the guy…
Hands off my water bottles! Why doesn’t UMSU put that Water Bottle issue in a referendum rather than making arbitrary decisions for the student population…
RE: “STRANGLING DEMOCRACY BY THE THRESHOLD” (Jan. 13, 2010) Essentially, adopting what has infamously within the Canadian student movement became known as “Motion Six” is…
Ineffective Tuition Fee Campaigns The CFS, through ex UMSU President Jonny Sopotiuk, repeatedly makes calls for the province to make tuition free (as recently as…