Curious and brutal
The case of Rimsha Masih
The case of Rimsha Masih
The Canadian government has issued a research grant of $2.7 million to help fund an archeological dig in Israel. During the month of August eight…
Both the rebels and the regime must lay down their weapons.
How long are we going to sit back and watch more people die?
If we wish for a future of peace, we must always remember our past.
We can’t have the foxes guarding the hen house.
Hypothetically, were people of differing opinions to sit down over hummus and falafel and have some kind of miniature Oslo process, it would be an utterly pointless exercise.
Though not physically well in his later years, he continued striving for the Muslim community’s success until his last breath.
Critical conversation will only start when we all stop working towards the “vilification of one side and negating the wrongs of another,” and simply begin to try to understand each other.
Former UN diplomat draws hundreds of students at U of M