Approaching prenatal education
Lennon’s interest in nursing first came about after completing an arts undergrad from the University of Winnipeg.
Lennon’s interest in nursing first came about after completing an arts undergrad from the University of Winnipeg.
Dearest readers, welcome back to another instalment of scientific exploration! Last time, we left off finishing our experiments involving cell culture and drug response. Today,…
Josée Boulanger, a graduate student in the interdisciplinary master’s program in disability studies, says “I went to university to become a social activist.”
Just in time for grillin’ season, a University of Manitoba master’s student is preparing to defend her research into a functional food that may improve Canada’s favourite barbequed meat: the hamburger.
Tabitha Martens is passionate about food, but “food” is a term that means much more to Martens than a simple Webster’s definition might suggest.
If you’re going to talk about the philosophy of science, it’s important to have some historical background. To help trace a little bit of science’s…
Pro: If science has not rendered philosophy obsolete as a means for understanding the world, it will. Science as a discipline provides concrete knowledge by…
Con: Science cannot, and cannot be allowed to, render philosophy obsolete. One defence is that arguments for science as a reliable means for learning about…
Last time, we plated our cells and left them to grow enough for drug treatment. Today, we will finally perform the intended experiment, for which…
U of M president David Barnard began the most recent installment of the Visionary Conversations speaker series by saying, “Where we are shapes who we…