
Picture perfect finish?

With the inaugural season winding down, the Winnipeg Jets find themselves in a fierce battle for a playoff spot in the Eastern Conference. In the…

Jurassic Pain

’There’s a lot of pain in the dressing room, because we had such a fantastic year, and the expectation amongst ourselves was to go a long way in the playoffs.’ — Coach Mike Sirant

A Lin-derella Story

There is something special going on in the New York sport scene right now. It doesn’t involve the Super Bowl Champion Giants or the beloved…

Breaking down the Brier

The 2012 Tim Horton’s Brier, the Canadian men’s curling championships, will be held at the Credit Union Centre in Saskatoon, S.K. from March 3rd–11th. The…

Back in the big show

Over reading week, the Bisons Men’s Volleyball team came second in the CIS Final Four at Trinity Western University, held Feb. 24 and 25. They…

Ondrej the Giant

It’s not uncommon in sports for a relocated franchise’s new management to put their stamp on the team within the first year. The Colorado Avalanche…