
The science of hatred

In the 1962 movie What Ever Happened to Baby Jane, Joan Crawford and Bette Davis play siblings whose rivalry and hatred for each other almost…

Better know a prokaryote

Escherichia coli, or E. coli, as its friends know it, has gotten a pretty bad rap lately. From tainting water supplies in Walkerton, Ontario to…

Human versus machine

In the boardrooms, laboratories and command centres of space agencies around the world a war is coming — a war, which will pit burley astronauts,…

Out of the minds of babes

Developmental psychologists are fond of telling us that we can, contrary to popular opinion, read each other’s minds. The initial excitement of this prospect quickly…

Dr. Know

Cordial greetings once more, thou hairless arthropoid. Things are really rolling now, so I’ll need to try my very best not to overwhelm your itsy-bitsy…

Ask a scientist

What causes brain freeze? Since, according to the British Medical Journal (BMJ), it is the most common cause of headache, odds are most of you…

Zoological investigations IV

The golden bamboo lemur, Hapalemur aureus was not formally discovered until the ripe old year of 1987 on that beautiful and mysterious island located off…