
Where did we come from?

If you ask a room full of biologists how life arose on our planet, you could start a fistfight. Current theories clash on details such…

Growing pains

To say that the Internet can be controversial is a supreme understatement. With but a few keystrokes, sites containing literally anything can be happened upon…

Dr. Know

Greetings to you mammalia! Hah! Hoo-hah! I’ve created a word! Ah, linguistics. Quite a feeble study, is it not? It is. Does it count as…

Science Briefs

LHC collides hadrons at 7 TeV The European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) announced on March 30, 2010 that the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) had…

Practice makes perfect

In the 1960s, research by Endel Tulving demonstrated that, as with studying, being tested on material is not a neutral process but rather a beneficial…

Multiple choice exams:

The majority of teachers and students — myself included before researching this article — are under the impression that they should stick with their first…

Canada: a haven for pirates

Earlier this month, a Montreal man was convicted of illegally recording a movie in the theatre, and sentenced to 2 ½ months in jail. This…