
2013 campus roundup

The U of M had a busy 2013, but the Manitoban had you covered for campus updates. Here, in no particular order, is a summary…

Time’s arrow: the Sokal hoax

In 1996, New York University physics professor Alan Sokal tried an experiment: he wrote an article satirizing deconstructionist philosophy and its abuses of scientific terminology,…

The end of a world

We know that in about five billion years our sun will expand and destroy Earth. The question is, do we know what kind of changes…

Savannahs on the plains

U of M Natural Resource Institute master’s candidate Bridgette Antze has birds on the brain – savannah sparrows (Passerculus sandwichensis) in particular.

The science of music

It is said that music has a much more precise vocabulary for describing its objects than any other art. This allows us to talk scientifically…