
Our communal backyard

my favourite place in Winnipeg is the stretch of Churchill Drive that runs from the pump house just off of Jubilee Avenue and Cockburn Street…

White out

May 3rd, 1995, “Black Wednesday.” The day this city’s heart and soul was boxed and sold. The day this city was knocked out cold, colder…

Dear Winnipeg,

I write this letter in hopes to clear the air between you and I. Ever since last summer, there has been an obvious strain on…

The glass ceiling

It’s been over twenty years since the term “glass ceiling” entered into the mainstream psyche. Originally, it was meant to be a metaphor for the…

What you need to know

Feminism Some people think that feminism means that women want to be equal to men. I don’t. Why would I want to be equal to…

Notes from my top drawer

There is something to be said about brand knowledge. We spend hours of our lives looking at the nutritional content of the foods we eat, where…

Same job, different pay?

I expect to earn equal pay for performing the same job as my male counterpart. I don’t think that’s an unfair request, do you? In…

Meet the FAQ Collective

The FAQ Collective, consisting of Mylène Gamache, Jen Portillo, Tara Lambert, Raelene Foisey, Ryn Broz and Nadine Boulay, have worked together arduously to publish the…


Compulsory heterosexuality is an interesting concept if you really look at it — whatever side you’re on. A common question is “what side of the…