
Good & Evil

Good and evil. In politically correct discussion, it is often frowned upon to use those terms. We often hear people say, “You can’t look at…

Why we must remember

This Nov. 11 we once again paused to remember our men and women in uniform who have layed down their lives for our freedom and…

The father of Turkey

Mustafa Kemal Atatürk, who was born in the Ottoman city in Salonika in 1881, was Turkey’s most beloved hero and the founder of the Republic…

Fatties fuck too

On Oct. 25, 2010 an article appeared on the website of Marie Claire entitled “Should ‘Fatties’ Get a Room? (Even on TV?).” The author, Maura…

Left out in the cold

Almost a decade after being arrested, Omar Khadr has finally been sentenced. He received 40 years for the murder of an American soldier in Afghanistan,…

Why do children starve?

Why do children starve? After removing all my cynicism and political-minded hoo-ha, I really don’t understand it. Forget the government, forget unfair distribution on a…

Human trafficking in Canada

Human trafficking does not sound like something that happens in Winnipeg. Sure, most of us have heard of it, but usually in the context of…

China in Africa

When Chinese supervisors recently shot at protesting Zambian miners, injuring 11, the story quickly became international news. A labour incident in a remote corner of…