
Getting fans in the stands

Things are changing for the better when it comes to sports and recreation at the University of Manitoba. The trend in the right direction started in September of 2013, when the Bison football team played their first-ever game in the newly-opened Investors Group Field (IGF). A humungous step up from the old University Stadium, IGF has a capacity of 33,422 spectators , and is hands down the best facility in the CIS.

Parsing the Canadian history wars

Among the list of grievances critics of Prime Minister Stephen Harper inevitably trot out as further evidence of his profound, Machiavellian evil is the way…

Scrutinizing anti-anti-vaccination

Vaccines have been in the air recently. With the resurgence of anti-vaccination sentiment and the consequent outbreaks of diseases that had been largely forgotten in…

Dear prime minister

Dear Mr. Harper, It’s time I came clean. I love you. I’ve wanted to say it for a long time, but after reading bill C-51,…

Point/Counterpoint: Budget cuts

Point: Unsustainable spending has made budget cuts necessary Over the course of the last few months there has been a rising chorus of voices calling…

Masters of their domain

On Jan. 6, the Manitoban reported that the UMSU executive is withholding $640,000 in fees owed to the Canadian Federation of Students (CFS), the national…

The education shell game

The University of Manitoba is preparing for annual budget cuts of three to four per cent over the next two academic years. While the administration…

On water and inconvenience

Water has been on the mind of Winnipeggers following the city-wide boil-water advisory, which lasted from the evening of Tuesday Jan. 27 to the afternoon…