Chronicles of Mezzezeh: Part 4
Mezzezeh took the liquid from Koomba and he gulped down every drop of it. Instantaneously he felt the potion flowing through his veins and felt…
Mezzezeh took the liquid from Koomba and he gulped down every drop of it. Instantaneously he felt the potion flowing through his veins and felt…
One of the defining aspects of today’s popular culture is its fragmentation. Popular music is divided into such infinitesimally small sub-genres that some bands move…
Well I was all set to write about resolutions and promises for this playlist, in keeping with the ones we all seem to make at…
A swing and a miss. It was a valiant effort, but in its two-year life span Winnipeg radio listeners remained unreceptive to the pop alternative…
Much like Charlie Chaplin’s The Circus, City Lights is a film that exists for its ending alone, a “comedy romance in pantomime” as the opening…
For the past month, arts and culture sections in newspapers and magazines have been filled with top 10s, fives and perhaps a few top 14s,…
Lake Superior State University — longstanding arbiter of taste and go-to state university for word-banishing — declared the word “epic” banned for 2011. Along with…
The back lane is creepy — pitch black in the summer and surprisingly bright in the winter, but creepy all year round. The reason the…
The rider sees the cabin; he sees the creak of its door; he sees the shadows that pour in from the lightless house astride the…
Mezzezeh opened the door to his chamber and there she was, lying on the straw bed. Her hair was long and lustrous and woven into…