Arts & Culture


One of the defining aspec­­ts of today’s popular culture is its fragmentation. Popular music is divided into such infinitesimally small sub-genres that some bands move…

Awaiting a Curve ball

A swing and a miss. It was a valiant effort, but in its two-year life span Winnipeg radio listeners remained unreceptive to the pop alternative…

Blinded by City Lights

Much like Charlie Chaplin’s The Circus, City Lights is a film that exists for its ending alone, a “comedy romance in pantomime” as the opening…

Creating little worlds

Lake Superior State University — longstanding arbiter of taste and go-to state university for word-banishing — declared the word “epic” banned for 2011. Along with…

The Wall

The back lane is creepy — pitch black in the summer and surprisingly bright in the winter, but creepy all year round. The reason the…

The Rider

The rider sees the cabin; he sees the creak of its door; he sees the shadows that pour in from the lightless house astride the…