Thandeka Katsika

The provincial budget problem

On March 20, the Manitoba provincial 2025 budget was released. A provincial budget is an outline of the expected expenditures and revenues of a region….

The benefits of office hours

Office hours are blocks of time scheduled by professors and teaching assistants outside of classes to meet with students and discuss lecture material or any…

To skip or not to skip

I have always considered myself a responsible student. I attend my lectures, participate in class discussions and submit assignments on time. At the beginning of…

Beyond a title

In our society, leadership is often synonymous with a position or title. Whenever I think of modern leaders, I immediately associate them with the office…

Love on the big screen

Valentine’s Day is fast approaching, which means it’s time to pop the popcorn, get the snacks and bring all your friends together to binge-watch some…

The science of smiling

A few months ago, after a long week of lectures and assignments, I wanted to decompress with a bunch of junk food and a great Netflix…

The TikTok ban

A few days ago, TikTok was banned in the United States following a unanimous decision made by the Supreme Court. This verdict came as the…

Politics in the classroom

Growing up in Zimbabwe, public political discussions were rarely authentic. From a young age, I knew that criticizing the government in any way was dangerous,…