UMFA and administration reach tentative agreement

Agreement reached ‘after the longest round of bargaining in recent UMFA history’

UMFA members rallied in front of the Administration Building on Jan. 23 amid negotiations over a new collective agreement.

The University of Manitoba Faculty Association (UMFA) has reached a tentative agreement with the university’s administration over a new collective agreement, avoiding a labour disruption to the term.

UMFA president Erik Thomson indicated that the tentative agreement was reached early on Saturday, March 8, “ensuring students will be able to continue their term uninterrupted.”

“I am delighted that we were able to arrive at a tentative agreement that improves our members’ working conditions without disrupting our students’ education,” said Thomson in a press release.

Members of the union, which represents over 1,300 professors, instructors and librarians, will vote to approve the deal on Thursday, March 13. A memo sent to members states that UMFA’s executive council “unanimously recommends voting to accept this revised collective agreement.”

Active negotiations between UMFA and the university’s administration over a new collective agreement started in October 2024, though the union set a bargaining deadline for March 6 at 11:59 p.m. with potential strike action to follow on March 10.

The bargaining deadline was subsequently pushed back 24 hours before the tentative agreement was reached, “after the longest round of bargaining in recent UMFA history,” according to the union.

The memo to UMFA members states that the tentative agreement pertains to a four-year deal, retroactive to the day after the previous collective agreement expired, which includes general salary increases totaling 11.25 per cent.

The previous collective agreement between UMFA and the university was in place from April 1, 2021 and expired on March 31, 2024. (photo: Milan Lukes)

Effective April 1, 2024, there would be a $3,500 lump-sum increase to the base salary of every member, an increase to the salary maximum of 2.5 per cent, plus salary maximum increases that are rank-dependent.

This includes a $12,000 increase to the salary maximum for full professors, $4,250 for associate professors and senior instructors and $2,750 for assistant professors, lecturers, instructor I and II, general librarians, assistant librarians, associate librarians and librarians.

The tentative agreement states that the salary maximum for all ranks would increase by 2.75 per cent, effective April 1, 2025, followed by 3 per cent the following year. Effective April 1, 2027, the salary maximum for all ranks would increase by 3 per cent, then by a further 10 per cent.

“This change in year 4 — raising the salary maxima by 3 per cent and then a further 10 per cent for all ranks — in combination with the increases to salary maxima in year one, are vital to ensuring that UM academic salaries make real progress in relation to the U15,” read the memo.

Other elements of the tentative agreement include a $1 million fund that will be used to “negotiate designated childcare spaces” at the Fort Garry campus for children of UMFA members, job security for term appointments and hiring improvements in equity and diversity, amongst other benefits.

In an email sent on March 8, Laurie Schnarr, vice-provost (students), informed students that a tentative agreement was reached, “meaning there will be no labour disruption.”

“This is great news for our community, as it ensures that all classes, labs and academic activities will continue without interruption,” she stated.

“We know that the uncertainty of the past few weeks has been difficult for many of you, and we appreciate your patience.”

University of Manitoba Students’ Union president Divya Sharma said that she is “pleased” that the two parties reached a tentative agreement.

“Our priority remains supporting students, and we will continue to monitor the situation to ensure that any potential impacts on students are addressed,” she added.