A man has been arrested and faces several charges after assaulting a student in residence in the early morning of Oct. 25.
The Winnipeg Police Service (WPS) responded to a break and enter and assault at approximately 4:45 a.m. at the Arthur V. Mauro Residence on Dafoe Road. In a news release by the WPS, police indicated that an adult female managed to fight off the suspect after the intruder gained access to her room and physically assaulted her. University Security Services was alerted and the police were contacted.
“This was a very random occurrence. This individual I believe was sleeping in the protection of their own residence in that complex, so we are treating it with great concern,” said WPS Const. Dani McKinnon in a press conference in the afternoon of Oct. 25.
The WPS indicated that the female was treated for injuries and was in stable condition, adding that the WPS Sex Crimes Unit had taken over the investigation. A description and three initial images of the suspect who had fled the scene were released.

Photos of the suspect released by the Winnipeg Police Service on Friday following a break and enter and assault. The suspect has since been apprehended and identified as Garry Junior Edwards.
How the perpetrator — described as an individual who did not live there — was able to gain entry into the building was not clarified during the WPS press conference, citing that the investigation was in its early stages. McKinnon mentioned that the breached unit was not on the main floor.
In a joint email statement that afternoon, Naomi Andrew, vice-president (administration), and Diane Hiebert-Murphy, provost and vice-president (academic), addressed the university community of the investigation.
“The safety and well-being of our students, faculty and staff are of the utmost importance,” read the joint statement. “Our Security Services team remains on-site and engaged with WPS to support their investigation. Please continue to take steps to ensure your personal safety, including locking doors and being mindful to access points.”
The university committed on Friday to increasing the presence of security on campus for the immediate future.
“Effective immediately, we will be adding an additional security presence in the lobby of each residence building on a 24-hour basis to complement the regular nightly security schedule,” said the university in a statement.
“The additional security will focus on lobby entrances and will be conducting regular checks of all residence entrance and exit locations. In addition, we are reviewing the penetrability of specific door locations and making modifications as needed.”
Arrest and charges
Around 11:00 p.m. on Oct. 25, police officers responded to a call from an individual that spotted a male along the south strip of Pembina Highway that matched the suspect’s description.
The suspect was arrested in the 1800 block of Pembina Highway and was determined to have entered the residency building, broke into the secured area and then into the female student’s room.
In the update released on Oct. 26 by the WPS, Garry Junior Edwards, a 46-year-old male, has been charged with one count of sexual assault, robbery, four counts of break and enter and an offense to overcome resistance by attempting to choke, suffocate or strangle another person.
Edwards is regarded as a convicted sex offender according to Manitoba’s justice department with a high risk to re-offend in a sexual/violent manner toward females.
In May 2024, Edwards was released from Stony Mountain Institution after serving a sentence for one count of being unlawfully at large. Previously, he was released in November 2023 following several charges, including two counts of sexual assault with a weapon that transpired in April 2012.
A subsequent joint email statement was sent by Andrew and Hiebert-Murphy on Oct. 26 updating the university community of the suspect’s apprehension. Available supports were shared such as the Student Counselling Centre (474 UMSU University Centre) and wellness and mental health resources. Details on the additional security measures that were implemented on Friday were made available, as well as safety resources available on campus.
“We extend our gratitude to both the WPS and our University Security Services for their swift and diligent response,” read the joint statement. “We also appreciate the vigilance and support of our university community and public during this time.”
For safety resources available on campus, visit umanitoba.ca/security. University Security Services can be reached on the Fort Garry campus at 204-474-9312 and the Bannatyne campus at 204-789-3330.