Busy first week on campus

Socials, tabling events, orientations display what student groups have in store

The University of Manitoba was a busy place last week. On top of the return to in-person learning, there were multiple back to school celebrations across campus.

The Commerce Students’ Association (CSA) held events for The Commerce Week from Sept. 6 to 9.

CSA vice-president student life Avery Groeneveld was excited to see the annual week-long event back on campus. The CSA has a long history of putting on social events that Groeneveld said are meant to allow students to connect and have fun in a common area.

Partnering with UMSU, the CSA held a couple of events on the Duckworth Quad. On Sept. 8 and 9, the annual beverage gardens took place from 12 p.m. to 5 p.m., while the Commerce on the quad social was held on Friday from 7 p.m. to 1 a.m.

Groeneveld explained that when holding events like these, a common struggle is figuring out how to inform new students about events. She said the CSA initially expected to have difficulties getting the word out to new patrons, but that Commerce on the quad sold out before classes began, a first for the association.

“We just want to make sure we live up to the hype that our predecessors have built” Groeneveld said.

On top of their social programming, the CSA also held professional development and academic meetings. On Sept. 7, career development and co-op information sessions made up the morning schedule, while case competition and equity, diversity and inclusion workshops took place in the afternoon and early evening. Additionally, from 12 p.m. to 5 p.m. on Sept. 7 and 8, student action groups and sponsors had booths set up in the Drake Centre.

Groeneveld highlighted more upcoming CSA social events students. The Halloween Shocker social will be held on Oct. 29, and the Commerce Carol social will take place Dec. 23. After the fast ticket sales for Commerce on the Quad, Groeneveld encouraged students wanting to attend CSA events to purchase tickets early.

Fourth year U of M student Taryn Ambrose was happy to see social events return to campus, and applauded the ability of these events to create a communal atmosphere. After attending the beverage gardens, Ambrose said he is looking forward to upcoming CSA events.

“I think I will try and go to as many as I can,” Ambrose said.

“They’re usually a lot of fun and usually done pretty well, so I think it’ll be a good time.”

Busy week for UMSU

UMSU president Jaron Rykiss was all over campus this past week taking part in events. Rykiss said he was elated to meet students at the U of M’s Welcome Day on Sept. 6. He also sat at the UMSU table during CSA events on the quad to talk to and meet with students.

Quad games, free breakfasts, barbecues and tabling events were some of the things students were taking part in during the first week of classes. Rykiss said most of the students he has spoken to are excited to be back, but that he can sense that there is a bit of nervousness and anxiety across the student body. He said that UMSU is doing their best to help ease the transition for new students and point them in the right direction.

Rykiss and the rest of the UMSU executive team were also busy preparing for this week’s Bison Bash. The lineup for the concert at Burton Cummings Theatre on Sept. 17 was unveiled on Saturday. The Happy Fits are headlining the show, while Rêve and Mauvey are openers.

Rykiss said that events like the ones put on this week are meant to help change the culture at the U of M, a university that Rykiss says does not have a vibrant student life. He explained that students value the opportunity to attend a university that is not just about classes, but also about socializing and making friends.

“They have an opportunity to build a community here and we want to make sure that they are able to do that,” said Rykiss.

“The best way to do that is by giving them places where they can make those connections.”