Letter to the editor: UMSU on cuts

University of Manitoba students,

The University of Manitoba administration has recently announced that cuts will be made in the upcoming budget.

We would like to articulate the current position of the University of Manitoba Students’ Union.

We are opposed to cuts.

Our stance is not one of neutrality, but of rationality. As the sole representative for University of Manitoba undergraduate students, UMSU is active in the University of Manitoba’s budgetary process and holds seats on the Board of Governors.

Furthermore, UMSU recognizes the university’s complex budget outlook, limited revenue sources, and the need to balance competing priorities. We recognize that the university is burdened with the incredible task of operating on a budget that included the promise of a 5 per cent increase from the province – which has decreased to 2.5 per cent over the last two years. Within the context of a budget comprised of upwards of a billion dollars, this represents a significant loss in projected funds from the provincial government.

As the largest student association in Manitoba, with the responsibility of advocating on behalf of our membership to all levels of government involved with post-secondary education, including Federal, Provincial and Municipal, UMSU will be intimately involved in this issue. We will provide accurate and relevant information to students and act according to the interests and well-being of our membership in a deliberate and respectful manner.

We will be active throughout this process, and will continue to advocate for the best interests of our students, as we have always done. We will work cooperatively and transparently with students, faculty, and administration. UMSU will continue to provide students with updates and information as it becomes available, and we invite students to contact us throughout this ongoing process with any individual concerns or questions they may have.

UMSU’s goal, above all else, is to ensure that our students receive a high-quality and accessible education.


Al Turnbull, President – University of Manitoba Students’ Union

Rebecca Kunzman, Vice-President Advocacy – University of Manitoba Students’ Union

Jeremiah Kopp, Vice-President Internal – University of Manitoba Students’ Union

1 Comment on "Letter to the editor: UMSU on cuts"

  1. Wait, so you’re opposed to ALL possible cuts? Do you even know what they’re going to be?

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