March 2011

On nostalgia in art

Editor’s Note: This is the first in a short series of essays about the role of nostalgia in art. It can be difficult to find…

Nano nets

Nanonets are capturing a lot of attention in the science world lately, due to some of the curious properties that emerge from their two-dimensional structure….

Tiny computers!

Don’t be surprised if a few years from now tiny electronic devices start being a norm rather than an experiment. A major breakthrough has just…

Zoological Investigations

They say it is better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all, and in general, I agree. After all, Alzheimer’s…

Democracy in the Middle East

Over the past two months, the people in Tunisia and Egypt have managed to effect serious change in their governments, chasing out corrupt leaders and…

No Facebook friendship from UMSU elections

Though social media may be heavily integrated into students’ lives, University of Manitoba Students’ Union (UMSU) election candidates voted not to allow campaigning using sites…