September 2010

A refusal to face reality

As the world recovers from the global financial crises, governments are beginning to realize that there is a deeper flaw in our systems of social…

Ah . . . alcohol

Ah . . . alcohol. The wondrous and all mighty social lubricant available at hundreds of inebriation stations in a town near you. Whether your…

UMSU votes to makeover awards roster

The campus isn’t the only thing receiving a radical makeover. The University of Manitoba Students’ Union awards are undergoing major changes, with a proposed increase…

Friends helping friends

Friends are a valuable resource and a lot of fun. Without them, who would help you renovate your kitchen? Who would be there to look…

I don’t have tattoos

While I’m constantly admiring the tattoos of others, I don’t think I would ever get one for myself. If I am correct in my belief…

Ink as inspiration

I ended up getting my snake tattoo in kind of a funny way. I had doodled out the design while bored in some useless class…