What makes you sweat?

There is something so cathartic about sweating. Whether in a steam room, a sauna or working out, sweating is literally one of the healthiest things we can do for our bodies. Not only is sustained sweating conducive to mental clarity, it is also an integral aspect of our physical well-being.

Our bodies are designed to sweat whenever their internal temperatures exceed 37 C. This automatic regulatory function cools the body, and can be triggered in numerous daily circumstances. It is basically a survival mechanism that prevents us from overheating. This natural thermostat can also be stimulated by exercise or in saunas to detoxify our bodies, improve our cardiovascular systems, increase immunity and deep-clean our skin.

Many harmful toxins are stored in the fat cells of our bodies. In fact, up to 800 different chemical residues have been found to accumulate in fat cells. Detoxification is constantly occurring in our bodies, but when the amount of toxins entering our bodies exceeds the amount that can be naturally processed, the excess is stored in our fat cells. Excessive perspiration is one way to rid our bodies of many of these unwanted chemicals. Purposely sweating for 10-30 minutes can assist our bodies’ toxin excretion ability profoundly. Toxins can literally be sweated out of our bodies.

As sweating forces toxins to leave our bodies through our pores, they then end up on the surface of our skin. This is why it is important to rinse your skin after doing a lot of sweating. The process of pore excretion is cleansing to the skin, as long as the toxins are not left sitting on the skin’s surface. After profuse sweating, skin tends to be healthier and more toned.

The elevated body temperature that produces sweat also puts our cardiovascular systems to work. As blood is pumped through our systems more vigorously to cool our bodies, our hearts are also working harder, and so are our immune systems. Our immune systems are activated by the fever response that basically triggers white blood cell production — our bodies’ number one line of defense against illness.

With 30 per cent of our bodies’ wastes being removed through perspiration, it makes sense to make time to sweat. This means judging the quality of a workout by how much you can make yourself sweat. This also means checking out the sauna in the Gritty Grotto changing room.

An important aspect to remember about all of this sweating business is to re-hydrate. Drink copious amounts of water before, during and after workouts and sauna sessions to avoid dehydration and to replenish all the water sweated out.

1 Comment on "What makes you sweat?"

  1. This place is seriously helpful I’m doing a project on sweating and what causes it, plus why we do it, so this is seriously helpful.

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