RE: Parking at the U of M
Regarding Jeff Hadley’s Comment of October 28, 2009:
Nobody owes you a parking spot.
Jeff Palmer
RE: Bison Rec Review: Zumba: Not livin’ up to ‘Zumba-dy’s’ expectations.
I beg to differ with Ms. Blakley’s interpretation of Zumba. I was first introduced to Zumba at the University of Manitoba in the Fall of 2008 and since then I have experienced Zumba classes in facilities all over Winnipeg.
Zumba is one exhilarating hour of caloric-burning, muscle-pumping, body-energergizing movements. The routines feature fast and slow rhythms combined to tone and sculpt your body while burning fat- Add Latin flavor and international zest into the combination and you have Zumba: the best workout party around. That’s right… I said party. Zumba is a “fitness party” that makes fitness fun. Instead of following an instructor repeat the same moves over and over again, like your typical high/low aerobics class, Zumba incorporates interval training into a one hour, high-energy, dance party.
If I could give you one piece of advice I would say, “Ditch the workout and join the party” or at least give it a try and decide for yourself what you think about the single most influential movement in the industry of fitness.
Settie Anderson