University of Manitoba

Our own way to rock

Hello friends. I am here today to nominate a man of wealth and distinction for the position of chancellor of the University of Manitoba. I’ll…

Kicking and screaming

Journalists, I have been told, tend to research topics before they confront the required subject matter. I, on the other hand, joined a kick aerobics…

Bison Rec Review: Zumba

Zumba has been everywhere lately — I’d heard about it from a couple of other sources, like Cyclovia and pole-dancing people I know, so naturally,…

University set to undergo renovations

It has been projected that the University of Manitoba will undergo major renovations from now until 2013 in the hopes of benefiting efficiency, research and…

Parking at the U of M

Recently, I had quite an interesting day. One would think arriving to the university at 9:40 for a 10 a.m. class would leave me plenty…