University of Manitoba

More money for graduates

Digvir Jayas, the University of Manitoba’s vice-president (research), is calling on the provincial government to invest $60 million annually in graduate studies. According to a…

Paying more to park

People looking to park in N lot — on Chancellor’s Circle around the Administration building — may be in for a bit of a surprise….

NDP 2011 Budget

Students and universities in the province of Manitoba should be happy with the provincial NDP’s 2011 budget. The budget will link the rate of tuition…

UMSU holds AGM

The University of Manitoba Students’ Union (UMSU) held their annual general meeting (AGM) on March 31 to discuss what UMSU has accomplished this year and…

Tensions mount at town hall

Tensions mounted at the University of Manitoba president’s town hall meeting last Thursday, where president David Barnard responded to some tough questions from U of…

Don’t divide by race

It was recently announced that we may soon have two new representative positions on UMSU Council. First up is the inner city representative, who will…

An engagement

Not to long ago, I was witness to a union — not between two businesses or people, but between two student publications. It was a…