
Bigger, better batteries

IBM is currently working on the development of a new type of battery. The technology is called lithium-air or lithium oxygen. Their goal is to…

Zoological Investigations

Today is the day, back to school. Some of us might be filled with excitement and hope for the thrill of a new year of…

Zoological investigations

The Andean condor is the largest raptor in the world. Adults weigh between 20 to 30 pounds and can reach a shocking 1.2 metres in…

Hobbits among men

This month marks the beginning of a five-year project in the Soa Basin of central Flores, Indonesia, to locate more specimens of the species Homo…

Zoological investigations

Hello again readers of the Manitoban and welcome to late June. It is just about that time to start planning your doom — I mean…

Beyond the steel cages

While I commend Dr. Medoro (“Animal Rights and Academic Freedom” March 8, 2010) for standing up against current pork production methods, I also take offense…