
Politics: the final frontier

NASA has been all over the map for the past few years — cancelling one program only to start another, only to be later cancelled…

Life: all tangled up

How is it that birds, those tiny feathery creatures, were precisely navigating the globe while hominids had not yet managed to efficiently communicate directional information?…

Science briefs

New semiconductor It may not be graphene that revolutionizes transistors after all, according to an article in the Nature Nanotechnology journal, reports Molybdenite, a…

The God Particle

Remember when the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) was going to mark the end of the world? Doomsayers claimed it would be so powerful that it…

21st century toys

Although the number 2011 lacks the aesthetic polish of a nice round zero at the end of it, this year, and not last, marks the…


Break free of physicality once and for all. Let go of the three dimensions, the mass and the matter that holds your fragile world together….

Zoological Investigations

The cassowary is a large, flightless bird that, along with ostriches, omus, kiwis and rheas, is a proud member of the ratite group. The term…

Thunderstorms: Crazier than ever before

With every development in technology and every increase in the sensitivity of detection instruments, it seems the universe only ever gets larger and more complicated….

A dark night for bats

Given the scale and diversity of most animal populations, it is a rare thing to talk about extinction on the same time scale we might…

But what can I do?

Recently, I had the privilege of standing up to a Goliath of our time: Monsanto. I choose to exercise this privilege because here I can…