
Live life for you

Have you ever felt so compelled to miss a class at school or ditch responsibilities such as work or social obligations that you force yourself…

To skip or not to skip

I have always considered myself a responsible student. I attend my lectures, participate in class discussions and submit assignments on time. At the beginning of…

Acts of resistance

Walking, cycling and taking the bus are acts of resistance to challenging car culture while honouring the values of social change for labour, women’s rights…

Stuck in yesterday

The feeling of nostalgia has always held me back from moving forward with my life. Either when it comes to reminiscing about past achievements or…

The realities of navigating change

Going from university to your professional job is an intimidating transition. Many students, myself included, find it daunting. Moving from the comfortable academic environment, where…

Good luck, babe!

Revenge is best served hot. I’ve always been for revenge, especially if a group or an individual has wronged one of my friends or loved…