international sports

Paralympics receive less fanfare

Following the 2010 Winter Olympics, Vancouver hosted the tenth edition of the Paralympic Winter Games. From March 12-21, approximately 600 athletes from 44 countries stormed…

Put the Beaver to bed

Halfway through the closing ceremonies of the Vancouver 2010 Olympics, I became profoundly and intensely embarrassed for our country. Everything was fine until Neil Young…

Medal count shuffle

It never fails, watching the Olympics is like a practice in remembering something you only barely learned four years earlier. There are always some constants…

Stop criticizing the Olympics

Since the Vancouver 2010 Olympics have started there has been a rush to see who can criticize them to the greatest extent. I would like…

Freestyle spending

According to The Vancouver Poverty Olympics, a group of citizens who oppose the 2010 winter games, Vancouver’s lavish spending in order to host the Olympic…

Take pride, Canada

Canadians claim to be patriotic. We sew our flags on our backpacks when we travel; we chug Tim Hortons coffee like it’s going out of…