

Editor’s note: Some people on the Manitoban staff are really into the film Tron and its sequel Tron: Legacy. And by “into it” I mean,…

More guns, less whimsy

The Green Hornet has suffered from the expectations it created. While the film is — as I write this — the highest grossing currently in…

WAFF it up

Since its creation nine years ago, the Winnipeg Aboriginal Film Festival (WAFF) has come to incorporate films with many themes besides the aboriginal issues it…

Go Greenaway

Darren Aronofsky’s latest film, Black Swan, will be released next week on Dec. 3. The trailer promises plenty of symbolism and Gothic compositions, elements most…

Experiencing the Terrain

Sweetgrass Directed by: Ilisa Barbash, Lucien Castaing-Taylor Opening on Nov. 12 ★★★ out of 5 After viewing the documentary Sweetgrass, the end credits explain what…

Case 39 aims low, misses

Case 39, like many horror movies, relies heavily on the devices and themes of its genre. While some of these are successfully employed, the film’s…