
Alphabet Group

Picture books are called picture books for a reason; their pages are filled with often-fantastical graphics aimed to appeal to a young people’s imaginations, while…

Just the fax

We are constantly reminded how technology is rapidly developing and changing our world. Apple just announced its new product — the iPad — a handy…

So Bad it’s Good

In both fetish and fantasy, the “bad girl” is deviant, overtly sexual and dangerous. She is the one of temptresses of the Bible (Salome and…

The Global Canvas

Imagine a canvas so vast it spans the entire globe. What if I told you this canvas already exists? Artists and non-artists alike from nearly…

University set to undergo renovations

It has been projected that the University of Manitoba will undergo major renovations from now until 2013 in the hopes of benefiting efficiency, research and…

Binding feminism and art

Books, scrapbooks or diaries can often take on an unparalleled power, becoming physical means of personal expression, memories and creative growth. To this end, 10…