Submitting a letter to the editor


Graphic by Evan Tremblay.

We welcome letters to the editor.

Submissions must follow these guidelines:

  • Letters must be no more than 300 words.
  • Please submit the letter in the main body of the email (no attachments). Attachments will not be read.
  • Please include your full name, email and phone number (these will not all be published, only your name). Anonymous letters or letters under pseudonyms will not be considered.
  • If responding to an article published in the Manitoban, please include the headline and publication date of the article. We give priority to letters responding to material published by the newspaper.
  • Letters must be sent to They will not be considered otherwise.
  • Submissions must include sources for all facts referred to in the letter.

Please note the following:

  • Letters will be fact-checked.
  • We reserve the right to adjust letters and their titles slightly for clarity, brevity and typos (with approval of the submitter).
  • There is no guarantee that the letter will be reviewed and/or published due to limited resources (however, we are more likely to review the letter if it follows the word count limit and offers a new perspective or depth to an issue).
  • Submissions that include sources will be prioritized for review.
  • If after 7-10 days you have not heard back, please assume the letter will not be published.


If you are interested in submitting a comment article on a new topic, please email our Comment Editor at