jodie layne

Meet Your Maker

“Well, I’m embarrassed to say that it’s taken me almost six years to have an event like this. I should’ve done this a long time…

Decolonizing Yoga

What do you think of when you think of yoga? You probably think of ohm-ing, overpriced Lululemon pants, bending into pretzel-y shapes named after animals, or maybe…

Over the Top

How many cupcakes can you eat? No really, how many? Mentoring Artists for Women’s Art (MAWA) will push your sugar consumption and stomach capacity to…

Feminism is still relevant

The opening scene of Status Quo? The Unfinished Business of Feminism in Canada interchanges and overlaps footage from the first Royal Commission on the Status…

The Pluto Shot

What do science and theatre have in common? On the surface not a whole lot, but when The Pluto Shot begins its run at the…