Martin Turczynowicz

Rats & lizards

I spent the Sunday previous, as I’m sure many of you did, watching videos on fractal shapes, the creation of non-Euclidean planes from both beads…

What do chickens think?

An interesting experiment was published by the School of Veterinary Sciences in Bristol, U.K.. The paper involves a common, misunderstood and oft-undervalued animal. The experiment…

Semantic coding

The search engine revolution of the mid-90s gave us the power to sift through pages and pages of information at unheard of speeds, but increasingly…

Less human than human?

Art, especially literature, is filled with the inner battles of the human psyche — it defines our fears, hopes, underlines our strange uniqueness in the…

Zinc selenide

There has been a significant breakthrough in the field of fiber optics. Researchers led by Prof. John Badding at Pen State University have developed a…

Getting shit done

I love the current Harper Government. I hope we can somehow rid ourselves of this cumbersome democracy once and for all and finally establish Stephen…

Nano nets

Nanonets are capturing a lot of attention in the science world lately, due to some of the curious properties that emerge from their two-dimensional structure….

Tiny computers!

Don’t be surprised if a few years from now tiny electronic devices start being a norm rather than an experiment. A major breakthrough has just…

Girls!? In Science?!

If anyone needs evidence of the underrepresentation of women in science-based fields, they should wander into a comp-sci class and have a seat near the…

Science briefs

Woodpecker brain technology Scientists at UC Berkeley have unraveled the mystery behind the impact-resistant woodpecker brain and are using the knowledge to protect your electronics….