Jessica Stewin

Take pride, Canada

Canadians claim to be patriotic. We sew our flags on our backpacks when we travel; we chug Tim Hortons coffee like it’s going out of…

For the coffee snob

It should come as no surprise that school is back in session. Being back, the temptation to skip class and continue sleeping ‘til noon, as…

Soluble religion

Religious or not, religion plays a huge role in many of our lives. Christian values are often equated with traditional family values and religious symbols…

IKEA obsessed

Gone are the days of catalogue parties. No more will you need to beg your friend from Edmonton to strap a couch to the roof…

Driving Winnipeg

There are a few stereotypes that plague Winnipeg drivers. We don’t know how to merge, we think four-wheel-drive is the solution to all our winter…