Advertising Coordinator

Position: Advertising Co-ordinator
Company: The Manitoban
Salary:  $500 biweekly
Term: June 2023 to April 2024

About the Position: The Manitoban is the official students’ newspaper of the University of Manitoba. The Advertising Coordinator is responsible for securing advertisements with new and recurring clients for both web and print editions of the paper. In addition, the Advertising Coordinator works closely with the design team and the Business Manager to help satisfy the marketing needs of our clients, and ensure that ads are properly displayed in the paper. Time commitment is seasonal, with 30 hours per week required in the summer months, and 20 hours per week throughout the school year. Compensation includes a base salary, plus commission.

Qualifications: No experience required, but prior sales experience, especially cold-calling, is an asset.

How to apply: Send a resume and cover letter to by June 7, 2023.