
Rykiss handily takes UMSU presidency

The 2022 UMSU executive board will consist of Jaron Rykiss as president, Tracy Karuhogo as vice-president student life, Victoria Romero as vice-president advocacy, Brook Rivard as vice-president finance and operations and Elishia Ratel as vice-president community engagement.

NDP will support Liberals until 2025 for dental care

The New Democratic Party (NDP) has struck a deal with the Liberals to support the government in confidence
votes to keep them in power until 2025 in exchange for dental care for lower-income families and action on
other NDP priorities such as pharmacare, affordable housing, child care and Indigenous and environmental

Manitoba lifts most remaining COVID restrictions

Manitoba has eliminated most COVID-19-related restrictions and health orders, however, the University of Manitoba is continuing its mask and vaccine mandate until at least the end of the 2022 winter term.

Stefanson exaggerated ICU capacity during third wave

During last year’s third wave of COVID-19, Heather Stefanson claimed Manitoba’s health-care system could handle dozens more critically ill cases five days after a top health official discussed the possibility of out-of-province ICU patient transfers.