Common misconceptions about evolution
DISCLAIMER: This article was inspired by reading way too much Stephen Jay Gould, and its arguments are currently still being debated within the scientific community….
DISCLAIMER: This article was inspired by reading way too much Stephen Jay Gould, and its arguments are currently still being debated within the scientific community….
Deciding whom to listen to on any issue can be a difficult task. Add personal bias into the mix, and it can become downright impossible….
Human civilization is a towering monument to the power of our imagination. Our ability to visualize new things was an important adaptation that allowed our…
Ever wonder what a theory — such as Darwin’s descent with modification — needs to go through in order to gain widespread acceptance in the…
If Hollywood is to be believed, scientists are all dermatologically-challenged recluses, who speak their incomprehensible language in nasally tones, with the odd snorting laugh thrown…
A food drive program at the University of Regina is asking students to donate what they can so that it can be given to other…
Staff of the University of Manitoba’s Delta Marsh Field Station (DMFS) is being laid off, as they were informed that the station would be closed…
MONTREAL (CUP) — Graduate students at several schools across the country are taking issue with a national student lobby group’s call to end tuition and…
A team of students from the University of Manitoba’s faculty of law are taking part for the first time in the second annual Canadian National…
More international students in America than ever The Chronicle of Higher Education reported that the large number of students attending post-secondary education in the United…