
Dr Know

I would like to start off with at least a slight introduction to the dimension that we will discuss today. We’ve had lessons of several,…

Do actions speak louder than words?

Albert Mehrabian, a former professor at the University of California, Los Angels (UCLA), was a pioneer in the research of body language. Among other advances…

Those hot-blooded bastards

Pop quiz, hotshot: you’re walking through the woods. It’s a chilly day autumn day. Birds are chirping and a light breeze licks the treetops. You…

Zoological investigations VI

It is written (at least it is now): “As you sow procrastination, so shall you reap procrastination.” You should be glad to know — if…

IQ isn’t everything

What do holocaust-denier James von Brunn, pornstar Asia Carrera and wrestler Scott Levy (“The Raven”) have in common — other than a tendency toward socially…

UMSU notes

This past Thursday, UMSU held its bi-weekly council meeting in the UMSU Council Chambers. Of importance, the council heard from a possible candidate, Jason-Paul VanRooy,…