
The age of things

Just over 200 years ago, the prevailing belief popularized by religious mythology was that the planet earth had been around for just some 10,000 years….

Science opinions

If you’ve been keeping up with news from Afghanistan in recent years you’ll know that a significant problem for NATO governments is the rapid growth…

Dr. Know

About time you monkeys showed up — it’s been almost a month since your last genetics lesson, and I was worried you might’ve developed a…

IQs water fountain spouts dirty water

John Danakas, spokesperson for the University of Manitoba, said that the water provided on campus has always met the Canadian Drinking Water Quality guidelines, whenever…

UMSU Election Forum

Students at the University of Manitoba had a chance to ask questions of the Moving Forward Slate, the only slate running in this year’s UMSU…

UMSU notes, Feb. 25

On Feb. 25, UMSU held its bi-weekly meeting in the UMSU Chambers located in 176 Helen Glass. The Chief Returning Officer, Jason van Rooy, gave…