
Putting a price on biodiversity

Despite the fact that we are in the midst of a global ecological crisis, conservation efforts around the world continue to face an uphill battle….

Manitoba’s cougar

Are there resident breeding populations of cougar in Manitoba? “The answer is a resounding . . . maybe,” according to Bill Watkins while presiding over…

Bird’s eye view

As new research demonstrates how an artificially mutated a strain of avian influenza can spread in at unprecedented rates in ferrets — and possibly humans…

U of M celebrates 96th Rhodes Scholar

The University of Manitoba celebrated its 96th student receiving the prestigious Rhodes Scholarship last week. Mark Hearson, who is in his fifth year of civil…

international news briefs

Arab League puts sanctions on Syria On Nov. 27 the Arab League approved economic sanctions on Syria to try and end its violent response to…

local news briefs

Brandon University strike over A tentative agreement was reached around 9 p.m. on Nov. 25, effectively ending the 45-day Brandon University strike, reported the Winnipeg…

A hamper for a better holiday

The University of Manitoba Students’ Union is boosting the holiday spirit on campus through the annual Holiday Hamper program. The program, coordinated by UMSU since…

Alternative Reading Week to focus on Winnipeg

Hoping to highlight societal issues currently facing Winnipeg, Alternative Reading Week Winnipeg will take place from February 21-24, 2012. Previously, the University of Manitoba Students’…