
Parking at the U of M

Recently, I had quite an interesting day. One would think arriving to the university at 9:40 for a 10 a.m. class would leave me plenty…

‘Real Housewives?’

As I sit down to write this piece today, I am struck by what I have noticed over the past few years as I’ve watched…

Buying into the Bionic man

Arrays of technologies — from robotics to bioengineering — are beginning to converge, and this convergence is destined to have profound effects on our future….

Break it to my Grandma

On June 17, 2009, Bill C-32 quietly passed through the House of Commons, amending the Tobacco Act “to provide additional protection to youth from tobacco…

Loud people

Back in the ‘50s, Edward R. Murrow was labelled the “most trusted man in America.” Calm and composed, and often with a cigarette dangling from…

Get with the times!

Enough is enough. As a Canadian citizen, I’m used to the federal political process that goes on in Ottawa. I’m accustomed to political gamesmanship between…