
Britain solicits a new approach

In September, there was a monumental change in Canada’s prostitution laws when Ontario’s Superior Court of Justice struck down three laws in relation to the…

Thanks for the invite Canada…

Burmese pro-democracy leader Aung San Suu Kyi has been officially invited to Canada to accept the award of Honorary Canadian Citizenship. At the urging of…

It’s a long way to the top

Life at the top is something that is difficult to fathom from the bottom. While average Canadians are still struggling with the effects of the…

Ford is No. 1

For the first time in 50 years, Ford has surpassed General Motors in total vehicle sales. This development is another indication of the changing global…

Libraries are Radical!

The Plan documents the ongoing adventures that arise from living a truly alternative lifestyle: two people in love, no children, one works for an income,…

Royal Dutch Shell shock

No longer a topic that people can take for granted, oil issues have leaked into all facets of society. The result has been increased environmental…

A lesson China should learn

A lesson was given by the Nobel Peace Prize committee of Norway. Liu Xiaobo, arrested and given a sentence of 11 years in prison by…