
Another tool in the box

Human history is, on the whole, a miserable affair. I don’t like to make generalizations, but it’s a safe bet that the vast majority of…

The battle for Egypt

In the past two weeks, the world has watched as Hosni Mubarak laid siege to Egypt. Mubarak shut down the Internet, the cellphone service and…

A new era in Sudan

The people of Sudan are celebrating the results of a recent referendum on independence in South Sudan. The results were no surprise — everyone expected…

A new type of Egyptian

gypt’s president, Hosni Mubarak, has kept the country under Emergency Law for the entire duration of his 30-year so-called “democratic” rule. This law suspends constitutional…

21st century toys

Although the number 2011 lacks the aesthetic polish of a nice round zero at the end of it, this year, and not last, marks the…

Retail worker blues

I don’t get mad very often. Sure I get frustrated, discouraged and annoyed . . . but mad is one of those special emotions that…

Give it a shot

Feb. 14 marks the beginning of Fair Trade Manitoba’s One-Month Challenge. Manitobans are challenged to buy only fair trade certified coffee, tea and chocolate —…