
Canada stands tall in Libya

The people of Libya are finally free of dictator Moammar Gadhafi. Good riddance. Gadhafi is a corrupt and murderous man who has no respect for…

What’s in a name

There has been some recent concern over the fact that there may be an increase in the number of “honour killings” taking place within Canada….

Common sense justice system

The recent crime wave sweeping through our city has put people on edge. From the murder of Harvey Sanderson, a man with brittle-bone disease, who…

Vote mobs ineffective

Being a kid is fun. You get to run around and play games, you don’t have many responsibilities and you get to feel like you…

A case of National shame

On June 15, the Vancouver Canucks lost their chance at the Stanley Cup. Immediately following the upset, people took to the streets, and as we…

Vancouver’s embarassment

By this time we have all heard about the events that occurred in Vancouver following the 2011 Stanley Cup game where the Vancouver Canucks lost…

Just the facts Ma’am

I was recently in the enviable position of sitting on a patio late at night, sipping beer while a bug zapper pleasantly crackled in the…

If it ain’t broke . . .

Just about everybody has heard the phrase, “If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it,” and as with most proverbs, it’s a pretty sensible sounding philosophy….